Fitness guru and founder
João opened the first Eli’s Fitness Studio in a 600 square foot office space on Dixie Highway in Oakland Park, Florida in 2000. Since then Eli’s has changed a couple times but only because they outgrew their space. Eli’s Fitness Studio, aka EFS Fitness, is now located in a brand new facility with a total of 8000 sqft of training space with everything imaginable. They do not have any memberships or membership fees. They only offer one on one personal training. They take their clients time personally and seriously and the results they achieve shows this very clearly.

João is nationally certified through International Fitness Professionals Association – I.F.P.A. He has been training for his whole life. João began his career at the age of 15 at his father’s gym (also named Eli’s Gym) in Santos Brazil. One-on-One training was the newest craze at the time and his father was short of staff so he put his son on the floor to put clients through introductory training sessions and before he knew it, he was being requested as their trainer. He would go to school in the morning and ride his bike straight to the gym after school to start training his clientele. He absolutely loved it and knew from the beginning that this was the career that God chose for him.
João came to the United States in 1991 with little money and even less knowledge of the English language so he took whatever job he could find to make money to survive. He did everything from dishwashing to roofing but always had the goal in his mind to open his own gym one day. In 2000, after many years of struggling, he was able to open Eli’s Fitness Studio in South Florida.
It was just himself and one other trainer in a 600 square foot facility. He always had clients flocking to him to train and had everything necessary in his little space but wanted to grow to be able to accommodate more clients and get more people in shape. The studio has grown exponentially and now has a total of 8000 square feet of training space with everything imaginable.
João has the best team of trainers that he handpicked.
João’s philosophy is simple, if you watch your diet, do cardio, and weight train, you will succeed. Although Joao’s philosophy remains old school, every trainer has their own technique and style so they surely have someone for everyone!
Dear future fit person
My name is João (Joe), Owner & Operator of Eli’s Fitness Studio since 2000 and I can personally help you attain your weight loss & fitness goals. If you’ve tried unsuccessfully working out on your own, going to the big gyms where it’s more of a meet market than anything else and all about looking good or even worked with a personal trainer without getting the results you want, I’m confident we can help you!

You will get superior training from world class instructors who dedicate their life to health, fitness & personal training. Our trainers are there for you and only you.
of health & fitness experts has a total of over 100 plus years combined experience helping people change their lives through health & fitness.
We will custom design a program specifically for you so you won’t ever get bored and will enjoy working out and eating right and in turn get the results you want.